Sunday, February 15, 2009

Most boring note ever.

February...not a terribly exciting month, even though I was born in February. The weather is so complicated, so dreary and contrary. The snow is melting and I can start to see all the litter that my neighbors have left like gems to be slowly revealed. Yuck. How does a whole cupboard full of snack bags end up under our pine tree? Could it be the same way that the fish heads wrapped in newspaper (?!?!) ended up by the fence? Who litters anymore? Haven't the PC police infiltrated every demographic of America by now?

Gotta take the oldest cat to the vet. Gotta drink more water. Haven't seen most of my girlfriends in ages. Somehow my bangs have grown over my eyelashes in a week. My husband and I have a surrogate Valentine's Day dinner planned for later this week. Good god what else. Off to dreamland...


. said...

For your Bday I'm going to give you a BIG HUG (and some spanks).
Then we're going to do a little jig.
Then we're going to talk about how busy we've been and how lame winter is and how cute kitties are...
And THEN we're going to do ANOTHER jig....for longer because hopefully we'll be shit canned by then (or I will, seeing as I get sauced by just looking at a drink now).
Finally, we'll prank call stupid boys and put cupcakes in our pants.
This is what I call sexy sophistication!

ellen darth said...'s like you've read my mind..

Thank you, psychic Portia!! xo