Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Things that happened in NYC on our trip

-saw the Marlene Dumas show at MOMA
-refused to roll around at the Pipilotti Rist installation. I'm not a dirty hippie.
-dog-watched from a bar while everyone else drank whiskey in the afternoon
-ate a delicious banana cupcake
-watched a woman barf in a terrible Irish bar in midtown, check her hair for remnant puke, and then shake some dude's hand
-reacquainted with a high school friend-of-a-friend who owns a gallery in the Meatpacking District
-saw the William Eggleston retrospective
-ate oysters with Rob, Emily and Scott (*they were much better than the ones I had at the bull and oyster roast in Maryland in 2001)
-walked and walked and walked in the cold cold cold
-had amazing brunch with friends in Brooklyn
-ate slices of pizza late at night so I could keep drinking
-had vivid dreams while sleeping on air mattresses
-had a romantic cab ride with Rob in the upper East side
-thought that I saw Maggie Gyllenhaal walking in the East Village with a yoga mat under her arm, but it probably wasn't her
-spent time with some lovely, sweet, generously accommodating friends
-had to wear so many layers of clothes that I felt like I was wearing a fat suit, or like I was that kid in "A Christmas Story" who "can't put his arms down!!"
-was eating dumplings when the plane crash landed in the Hudson
-split a bottle of champagne with Emily-it was fun having it at our end of the table!
-fell even just a little more in love with my husband

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